Terms of Purchase - Storytale


Last Updated July 19, 2024.

Thank you for your support and interest in Storytale.

Please review these Terms of Purchase very carefully. By purchasing our products and/or services, you are agreeing to these and are expressing that you have been given reasonable access to review these terms prior to your purchase. These Terms are binding as of the date you purchase or access our products and/or services.

General Purpose. These Terms are between you (“Purchaser,” “you,” “your”) and Storytale (“Company,” “we,” “us,” “our”) for the purpose of purchasing or otherwise obtaining digital products and/or services (our “Products”) whether through the Company’s website at hellostorytale.com or any related domains or subdomains (the “Website”), or in person. The Company and the Purchaser will collectively be referred to as “Parties,” and each individually as a “Party.”

By clicking “Buy Now,” or any other phrase on the purchase button, submitting a payment electronically or in-person, or otherwise subscribing through the Website, you are agreeing to adhere to and be bound by following terms and conditions ( the "Terms"):

Scope of Products. Our Products include but are not limited to: online course, content templates, design templates, educational guides and resources, and other digital products for purchase or download.

Product Delivery. When you make a purchase and submit your payment, you will be provided with the Products as detailed on the Website. Please note that product delivery will differ based on when you make your purchas. For more information, please refer to your receipt of purchase delivered by email.

Product Disclaimer. You understand and agree that the content included in any of the Products is merely meant to be informational in nature and does not represent any level of legal, medical, financial, or other professional industry-specific advice. As such, our Company will not be responsible for any damages that result from the use of the Products.

No Warranties + No Guarantees. We are providing the Products on this Website on an “As-Is” basis for individual use by you at your own risk and without any warranties, whether express or implied, including, but not limited to warranties of title; merchantability; fitness for a particular use; or any rights or licenses in these Terms. The Company makes no warranty as to the accuracy and reliability of information set forth in the Products, the Website, and Company-related documentation. You understand and agree that purchasing the Products does not guarantee specific results, including financial or other business gains for you personally and/or for the business. The information included in the Products is provided for informational purposes only and you are responsible for implementing any business practices or suggested actions found within these Products.

Payment + Billing. By providing the Company with your preferred payment method, you represent that you: (i) are authorized to use, and (ii) authorize the Company to charge that payment method (the “Authorized Payment Method”) for any fees related to your purchase of the Products, including without limitation fees relating to any paid feature of the Website and/or subscription service of the Company in which you have chosen to enroll (collectively, the “Fees”). Unless otherwise indicated, all Fees are in USD.

Return Policy. Due to the nature of digital products being immediately accessible upon purchase. After you agree to these Terms, we do not allow for returns or refunds under any circumstances. In addition, no modifications to your purchase will be granted once your purchase is made. In exceptional cases such as technical issues preventing access, please contact our support team within 48 hours of purchase for assistance. Thank you for understanding.

Chargebacks. By attempting a chargeback with your financial institution, you are expressly agreeing to pay the full cost of your original purchase, plus any fees or associated costs incurred by the Company. We have the right to present these Terms to your financial institution, any payment processing company and/or investigating agency concerning the attempted chargeback or financial dispute.

Promotions + Discounts. We may occasionally market and/or advertise promotions, discounts, limited time offers, and/or bonuses (“Promotions”) to potential customers. You are entitled to take advantage of any active Promotions when you purchase our Products. Promotions are offered manually and/or through automated campaigns at any given time and are not guaranteed to be available when you make a purchase through the Website. We reserve the right to change or alter any Promotions at any time and at our sole discretion.

License for Use. By purchasing Products through our Website, you are agreeing to the Terms of Purchase, and in return, we are providing you with a limited, non-transferable, non-exclusive, revocable, personal-use license (“License”) to use the Products by yourself only. Sharing, copying, reproducing, modifying, publishing, selling, or otherwise distributing the Products, whether publicly or privately, is expressly prohibited. You may, however, copy or print instructional materials, information, and guides within the Products for personal use, provided that all original formatting, copyright and trademark notices, and branding remains intact. Your limited license allows you to use the Products and any associated materials for yourself only. If you have multiple team members who would need access to the Products, you must purchase an additional License for each member of your team and ensure they are aware of these Terms of Purchase. You are permitted to modify, copy, edit, print, and otherwise adapt this product for use for yourself and/or your business as long as you agree to adhere to all state and federal laws and intellectual property terms contained in these Terms. You are not permitted to reproduce, give away, publish, sell, or distribute this Product in any way, whether publicly or privately. You agree to modify the Products only in a manner consistent with these Terms of Purchase.

Intellectual Property. The Company owns and retains all rights, titles, and interests in and to the Products. Unauthorized use, copying, reproduction, modification, publishing, selling, or distribution of the Products is expressly prohibited and will be considered an infringement of our intellectual property rights. We actively monitor for plagiarism and unauthorized use and will pursue legal action against violators.

Consent to Use. By submitting reviews, images, comments, testimonials, or tags (“Submissions”) to us on any platform including, but not limited to social media and online reviews, you are by default granting us a commercial license and voluntarily releasing us to use your Submissions for any reasonable future business use. In doing so, we may use your name and/or photo along with any other publicly acknowledged information that has been revealed by you when referring to your Submissions on our Website, marketing materials, guides, and any other platform not expressed in these Terms.

Age Limitations. You acknowledge you are able to perform any and all of the obligations required under these Terms of Purchase. By submitting payment or otherwise enrolling through the Website, you warrant that you meet all legal age limits in your jurisdiction that are required to use this Website and/or purchase Products.

Changing Terms. We reserve the right to update and revise these Terms at any time without notice to you. Your continued use of the Products and Website after we have updated the Terms of Purchase indicates your acceptance and agreement to the changes.

Privacy + Protection of Personal Information. We respect your privacy and are committed to protecting it. We may use certain information that we collect from you to operate Storytale and provide our Products.

Error in Store Presentation. We strive to present information that is published correctly and update the Website regularly in a way that allows us to correct any resulting errors. However, any of the content on the Website may, at any given time, be incorrect or out-of-date. We reserve the right to make changes to Product prices, specifications, processes, Promotions, availability, and to the Website as a whole at any time under any circumstance.

Termination of Use. We may terminate your account or restrict your use of the Website at any time for any reason. Under these Terms, you understand that you are responsible for any orders and purchases you make or charges you incur prior to such termination. The company may change, discontinue, or otherwise suspend the Website for any reason, at any time, and without prior notice to the Purchaser.

Limitation of Liability. The Company is in no way liable to the Purchaser or any other third party for any and all damages including, but not limited to, punitive or exemplary damages or those resulting from negligence relating to these Terms, regardless of whether the Purchaser was advised of such damages, the foreseeable nature of the damages, and the legal or equitable theory upon which the claim for damages is based.

This Limitation of Liability provision does not purport to affect any liability that cannot be excluded or limited under the law.

Maximum Damages. Our entire maximum liability and your sole remedy for any actions or claims shall be limited to the actual amount paid by you for the Products you have purchased through the Website.

Binding Arbitration. In the event there is a dispute between the Parties that cannot be brought to an amicable mutual understanding, the Parties understand and agree that such dispute will be handled through binding arbitration in alignment with the rules of the American Arbitration Association. The Parties understand that they will be bound by any decision rendered by the arbitrator and/or arbitration proceedings. The arbitration itself will be held in Indonesia. If the arbitration is unable to move forward in the designated jurisdiction, the Company will unilaterally elect another venue for the arbitration. The Parties will equally share in the costs and expenses of arbitration and any related proceedings.

Choice of Law. These Terms and the Parties’ relationship are governed by the laws of Indonesia the event of conflicting laws, the laws of Indonesia will control.

Notices. We may provide notice to you by: (i) sending a message to the email address provided by you, or (ii) by posting to the Website. Notices sent by email will be effective at the time of sending and notices posted to the Website will be effective upon posting. Notices provided by certified mail will be effective upon actual receipt of the notice.

Severability + No Waiver. If any provision of these Terms is held to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable by a court with jurisdiction, all other provisions set forth in these Terms will remain valid and enforceable. By failing to enforce any right or provision of these Terms, we are not waiving the right or ability to enforce the same rights or provisions in the future. Any right or provision in these Terms will only be considered waived if done so in writing by an authorized representative of the Company.

Transfer + Assignment. You may not transfer or assign any of your rights under these Terms to any third party without the express written consent of the Company.

Force Majeure. To the extent that any failure or delay in our delivery of the Products under these Terms is caused by or results from acts or circumstances beyond our reasonable control, we will not be liable or responsible to you and the same will not be considered a breach of these Terms. Such acts or circumstances beyond our reasonable control could include, without limitation, acts of God, fire, flood, earthquake, natural disasters, cyber-attacks, terrorism, revolution, insurrection, civil unrest, national emergency, epidemic, pandemic, labor disputes, supply chain restraints or delays in obtaining suitable materials, materials breakdown, telecommunications breakdown, or power outage.

Headings for Convenience Only. The headings in these Terms are included for convenience and reference, and are not meant to describe, define, or limit the scope or intent of any provision.

Entire Agreement + All Rights Reserved. In concluding these Terms, you understand and acknowledge that these Terms constitute the final agreement and supersede all others regarding the purchase, sale, and use of any Products and the use of the Website. The Company reserves any and all rights not expressly granted in these Terms.